Nikki Spire's Classroom

Why I Want to Be a Special Education Teacher

I think I owe my desire to be a special education teacher to my older sister Carolyn. Carolyn now lives at Misericordia because she has Cereal Palsy and is Mentally Retarded. She is now in her upper 30's. I used to share a room with my sister when I was young but, I never understood why she would make noises in the middle of the night. I used to get so angry and be mean to her. It wasn't until I talked more to my Mom about it and I learned more about Carolyn's condition. After that I learned to respect her and spent time with her. I believe that is was my sister that got me more involved in working with children with special needs. So, for the past three to four years I have been working through North West Special Recreation Association as a camp counselor for children with special needs. It has been a great experience to work with these children and I hope to continue on this path to become a special education teacher.

I also hope to be encouraging to children who have special needs. That is because I know that they might have other people telling them that they can't make it in school. When I was 3 or 4 years old I was diagnosed with ADHD that has made learning challenging. Yet, through a lot of hard work, I am very involved in school at Benedictine University with a B average. I know that you can make it in life if you try. You can live to the highest of your potential.

Even though my sister in a wheel chair and mentally retarded she still has feelings. I know that when she hears arguing in the house she cries because she knows something is wrong. Sometimes she will also think that we are angry with her. Another thing I do with my sister is we play catch. She has a yellow ball that makes noise when you squeeze it. It also has a rough texture that gives her something to grip so it's easier for her to pick up the ball. She can throw the ball towards me and I throw it towards her where she can feel for it. She loves it! It's those little activities that makes her her. I just absolutely love it when I can spend time with her. It's spending time and being with her which has taught me to be creative with the ways of doing things. Everyone has their own way of learning. I know that I would like to teach elementary level multi needs students. I know I would probably have a student tell me that I don't understand what they are going though when actually I understand a lot more then they might think. I hope that sharing my own personal experience will help them in their life. Not only do I love working with kids with special needs but, I also like to swim, spend time with God as well as family and friends. I also like to draw, go fishing, and join in Bible studies.